Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)

Cognative Behavoural therapy OrangevilleInformation about Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is often considered the “gold-standard” psychological treatment as adaptions of this therapy have proven useful in treating a wide variety of emotional difficulties throughout decades of scientific research.  It was developed by Dr. Aaron T. Beck in the 1960s who was inspired by both cognitive as well as behavior therapists who had shifted away from Freudian psychoanalytic therapy.  Beck recognized the need for a measurably-effective, time-limited therapy targeting here-and-now symptoms more than past relationship conflicts.


With CBT people are helped to recognize the inter-connections between their thoughts, behaviors, and emotions.  Emphasis is placed on identifying and changing unhelpful, negative thought patterns, as well as self-defeating behaviors to bring about changes in distressing emotions.  CBT is considered the “treatment-of-choice” for many mental health problems, as it has been proven to work as well or better than other treatments.  CBT, for example, is known to work at least as well as psychiatric medications (e.g., anti-depressants) for various conditions, like depression, and the effects of treatment with CBT are thought to be longer-lasting than treatment with medications alone.  The combination of CBT with medications is often thought to be the best approach for the treatment of severe mental health problems.  While CBT self-help programs and materials can be beneficial, there is evidence that CBT that is guided by a skilled clinician is more effective than CBT-based self-help.   When CBT techniques are used that are proven to be effective and when they are tailored to meet unique client needs, it can bring new hope and healing even with long-standing or life-disrupting emotional and behavioral difficulties!

Further information about CBT: