Why should I seek professional help?

- Are you satisfied with your life and life-priorities?
- Can you enjoy your day-to-day activities?
- Are you are feeling overwhelmed, unmotivated, or indecisive?
- Can you achieve the goals you have set for yourself?
- Are you maintaining and nurturing important relationships?
- Are you feeling “stuck”?
- Can you “let go” of sadness or irritability?
- Are you in control of your emotions and behaviors?
- Are you living without regrets?
A PSYCHOLOGIST can help if you are concerned about your answers to any of the questions above.
Don’t Settle: Recovery can be Your Reality
- You are not alone. Did you know that 1 in 5 Canadians will suffer a mental health problem in any given year? We all need to take care of our emotional health.
- Mental health can have a big impact on quality of life. Getting professional help is a smart thing to do. While self-help programs can be beneficial, there is evidence that therapist-guided treatments are more effective than self-help initiatives. Seeking quality advice with a mental health problem is just as important as seeking qualified help with a physical health problem. You should not ignore your emotional wellbeing, just as you should not ignore symptoms of a fever, a broken bone, or cancer.
- Early intervention is the best way to avoid unnecessary suffering and to prevent worsened problems in the future. Sometimes even a short intervention (4-6 sessions) with a skilled and compassionate therapist is all that is needed to resolve a problem or to improve coping.
- If you are still unsure about whether to seek professional help ask yourself the following questions;
- How long has my problem continued?
- How much have I already lost?
- Have I stopped doing the things that I enjoy?
- Am I risking the breakdown of my closest relationships?
- Am I risking the loss of opportunities?
If your problems have lasted for more than a few months or have caused a pattern of distress or interference in your life, then now is the time to seek professional input. Don’t wait.